2024-04-09Compliant Iontronic Triboelectric Gels with Phase-Locked Structure Enabled by Competitive Hydrogen BondingNano-Micro Letters
2024-04-08Anti-moisture, anti-bacterial cellulosic triboelectric materials enabled by hydroxyl coordination effectNANO ENERGY
2024-04-06Selective lignin extraction by deep eutectic solvents for the green preparation of bagasse fibers with different lignin contentsINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS
2024-04-05Antimicrobial mechanism of chlorine dioxide and its impacts on postharvest management in horticultural produce: A reviewPOSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY
2024-04-02Regulating lattice tensile strain of Ru-Co bimetallic nanoparticles on carbonized wood for boosting its hydrogen evolution reactionFUEL
2024-04-01Advanced application of triboelectric nanogenerators in gas sensingNANO ENERGY
2024-04-01A powerful method for In Situ and rapid detection of trace nanoplastics in water—Mie scatteringJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
2024-03-23Polyethylene glycol crosslinked modified chitosan/halloysite nanotube composite aerogel microspheres for efficient adsorption of melanoidinINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES