2024-08-28Optimizing lignin demethylation using a novel proton- based ionic liquid: 1, 2-propanediamine/glycolic acid catalystINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2024-08-28A novel electrocatalyst from TOCN/CGG hydrogel-supported Fe-rich sludge and its performance in treating azo dyes-contaminated waterCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS
2024-08-27Real-time data visual monitoring of triboelectric nanogenerators enabled by Deep learningNANO ENERGY
2024-08-23Bionic wood-inspired structure enables aerogel film triboelectric material with humidity adaptationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
2024-08-07Flame retarded lignin-based epoxy resin with excellent antibacterial and anti-corrosion properties modified by coordinated phospho-nitrogen flame retardantINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS
2024-08-02Reversible heterostructure CuI/CuII@BaTiO3 constructed to enhance Piezocatalytic activityNANO ENERGY
2024-07-28High-barrier, flexible, hydrophobic, and biodegradable cellulose-based films prepared by ascorbic acid regeneration and low temperature plasma technologiesJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE